Leigh Nash Kicks Ass

Though this photo isn't real, it does show what Leigh Nash's new Album, Blue on Blue can do.
Well, Leigh Nash's new album Blue on Blue is out now, and it just kicks so much ass. Since I can't help but carry on about it, I will just indulge myself. I debated whether or not to give a song-by-song discussion of the album, and I have decided to do just that.
Her album starts off with the beautiful Along the Wall. Wonderful lyrics and smooth sound make this a great first song for the album.
Next up is Nervous in the Light of Dawn. Let me say, that I believe that this is the best song on the album. No, no, don't argue, you don't know what you are talking about, THIS IS THE BEST SONG ON THIS ALBUM, HANDS DOWN. I love the music and how it intertwines so well with the lyrics.
I think I am burned out on My Idea of Heaven because I tried to make a remix for it. Let me warn you, my remix is really bad. It can cause headaches, and I believe that after a long enough time, it can induce nausea and vomiting. I don't get to enjoy this song as much as I should, but it is still good.
Ocean Size Love is a sweet song that is easy to listen to. It may not be my favorite, but I could still listen to it for a while and not get tired of it.
Next up is Never Finish. In a way, this was the song I was most anticipating. I had heard part of it on the Electronic Press Kit and the chorus is just amazing with the way the Leigh's voice wraps around the words. The full song does not let down.
I like the actual lyrics for Between the Lines. I like the way it compares to words on a page, and relates that to the spaces in our lives. Such as “Between hello and I would give you the moon.” Just wonderful writing there. I like how the music does not detract from the lyrics and the way Leigh sings them. Another well done.
We now are at the more upbeat, in tempo, More of It. I like the song, and it is great, but it just pales in comparison to the rest of the album. Saying that is kinda like saying what artwork in the Louvre is your least favorite. It is still amazing, just no where near as good as the rest of the stuff.
The cynical side of me wants to dislike Angel Tonight. The romantic side of my tells the cynical side to just shut its pie-hole and enjoy the song. It's sweet, upbeat, and I feel I need an insulin shot every time I listen to it. But like really good sweets, I keep coming back.
Blue hits me like a ton of bricks, especially after the lighter fare of MOI and AT just before it. It is kinda like going to take another bite of pudding, and finding out, too late, that you got a spoonful of Goulash instead. Good stuff, but VERY DIFFERENT.
Then, like a Star Fleet Battles ship pulling a HET, we are back to the softer, lighter side, with Cloud Nine. Yeah, I know, somewhere on the order of 2 people are going to get that reference. Just to explain, a HET is a High Energy Turn, or something like a high-speed turn in starship combat. The only problem is, performing a HET is like asking for momentum to have its way with your ship. The ship might turn and stop on a dime, but all of the stuff inside, including the crew, still wants to go in the old direction.
And then we are back to the soft melodies of Just a Little. What a beautiful way to end out the album.
I don't know if the Nettwerk Workshop store will still be selling the album when you read this, but you should be able to get it at most on-line retailers, if not some local music stores.
Well, I'm sitting here listening to Nervous... some more, and I have to say, it is hauntingly beautiful. Album's. Best. Song.